File Wrangling Practice Exercises, Part 2

Getting Started

  1. Log onto the server
  2. Navigate to the practice directory. You should know where it is from the Navigating the Filesystem Practice Exercises!


  1. How many lines are in the file
  2. How many comments (lines containing the R comment character ‘#’) are there in the file analysis/fake_rrbs_analysis.Rmd?
  3. Check the head of analysis/diff_meth.tsv. Now, sort analysis/diff_meth.tsv. What’s different and why might that be a problem?
  4. Use cut to display only the chr, start, end, and two methPerc columns in analysis/count_data_wide.tsv.
  5. Find all of the ggplot() lines in analysis/fake_rrbs_analysis.Rmd.