Process Bisulfite Sequencing (BS-Seq) Data

Get the Data

Navigate to wherever you put your practice directories for lessons and copy the code below to grab the data and code for this practice RRBS run.

cp -r /home/kkeith/data/coriell_bioinformatics_lessons/rrbs ./

Test Run

Check Quality with FastQC

# from RRBS data folder
[kkeith]$ mkdir fastqc
[kkeith]$ fastqc *.fq.gz -o fastqc


# from data directory
[kkeith]$ mkdir ../01_trim
[kkeith]$ for i in *1.fq.gz; do trim_galore --rrbs --paired --fastqc -q 30 --illumina --output ../01_trim $i ${i/1.fq.gz/2.fq.gz}; done


# from the RRBS data directory
[kkeith]$ cd ../01_trim/
[kkeith]$ mkdir ../02_align
[kkeith]$ for i in *1_val_1.fq.gz; do bismark --bowtie2 /mnt/data/data_jj/jj4/rrbs/tools/genomes/hg19lambda/ --output ../02_align -1 $i -2 ${i/1_val_1.fq.gz/2_val_2.fq.gz}; done

Extract Methylation

# from trim directory
[kkeith]$ cd ../02_align/
[kkeith]$ mkdir ../03_extract_meth
[kkeith]$ for i in *.bam; do bismark_methylation_extractor --paired-end --include_overlap --bedGraph --output ../03_extract_meth $i; rm -f ../03_extract_meth/CHG_OB_${i/.bam/.txt} ../03_extract_meth/CHG_OT_${i/.bam/.txt} ../03_extract_meth/CHH_OB_${i/.bam/.txt} ../03_extract_meth/CHH_OT_${i/.bam/.txt} ../03_extract_meth/CpG_OB_${i/.bam/.txt} ../03_extract_meth/CpG_OT_${i/.bam/.txt}; done