Coriell Bioinformatics Lessons: Practice RNA-seq Analysis
Set Up a Folder for the Project
# starting from my home directory, /home/kkeith, change to my data directory where I want to put the project directory
[kkeith]$ cd data
# make the project directory
[kkeith]$ mkdir rnaseq_practice
# switch into the project directory
[kkeith]$ cd rnaseq_practice
# copy the data to my project directory
[kkeith]$ cp -r /mnt/data/coriell_bioinformatics_server_lessons/coriell_server_lessons/rnaseq/rnaseq_data/ ~/data/rnaseq_practice
Set Up a Git Repository
For some back up and version control, but mostly for project documention.
# start the git repository
[kkeith]$ git init
# make a README to describe the project and the directory
[kkeith]$ nano
# add a .gitignore so you don't upload large files to GitHub
[kkeith]$ nano .gitignore
# add the files so GitHub will track them / add changes so they can be committed
[kkeith]$ git add .gitignore
# commit the files
[kkeith]$ git commit -m 'first commit'
# add the GitHub repository as a remote
[kkeith]$ git remote add origin
# push files to remote + this first time set the remote as the automatic place to push
[kkeith]$ git push -u origin master
Quality Control
Check Quality with FastQC
# go to the rnaseq data
[kkeith]$ cd data/coriell_bioinformatics_lessons/rnaseq_practice/rnaseq_data
# make a folder to put the output in
[kkeith]$ mkdir fastqc
# run FastQC with a loop
[kkeith]$ for i in *.fastq.gz; do fastqc $i -o fastqc/; done
# OR FastQC will run for all fastq files if you supply the files using wildcards
[kkeith]$ fastqc *.fastq.gz -o fastqc/
Trim Adapters and Low Quality Sequences
# still in the data directory
[kkeith]$ pwd
# make folders for the analysis and to put the trimmed reads in
[kkeith]$ mkdir ../analysis
[kkeith]$ mkdir ../analysis/01_trim
# trim with trim_galore
[kkeith]$ for i in *R1.fastq.gz; do trim_galore --paired --fastqc --illumina --output ../analysis/01_trim/ --retain_unpaired -q 30 $i ${i/R1/R2}; done