How to Install MacFusion

Install All the Necessary Components

  1. Install FUSE for macOS here:
  2. Make sure you have XQuartz installed
  3. Make sure you have Homebrew installed
  4. In terminal (you must have homebrew installed) brew install caskroom/cask/macfusion-ng

Set Up

  1. Create a folder on your laptop for the server to mount to, ex: mkdir /Users/kelsey/Volumes
  2. Open macfusion.
  3. Start the engine
  4. Click on the plus sign in the lower left-hand corner and select SSHFS.
  5. Fill in your information
    • Under the SSH tab, add the host:, your user name, your password, and the path to your home directory /home/username
    • Don’t change anything under the SSH Advanced Tab
    • Under the Macfusion tab, in the Mount Point box, add the absolute path to the folder you created in step 1, plus a unique name for the server, ex: /Users/kelsey/Volumes/coriell_kkeith. In the Volume Name box, put the same name as the name of the folder. I also suggest making sure the “Ignore Apple Double File” and the “Show in Finder Sidebar” boxes are check.
    • Click ok
  6. Click the Mount button and you should be connected to the server.